A profile portrait of two young girls.


About CEF South Africa

Child Evangelism Fellowship is a Bible-centred organisation composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelise boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.

CEF has many different ministries for children, but the primary ones are the Good News Club and the 5-Day Club.

The Good News Club and 5-Day Club ministries take place in neighbourhood settings such as homes, backyards, schools and community centers all over the Republic of South Africa. These fast-paced, one-hour programs are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment. Along with these clubs, CEF also has fairs, camping, open-air, and internet ministries for children.

CEF provides classes to train their workers and other Christians who have a burden for evangelising children.

Training Christians to minister effectively to children has been at the core of our ministry since its inception. Training is offered throughout the country through seminars and formal courses. Many volunteers have been trained with our Teaching Children Effectively (TCE) course and have been empowered to reach children with the Gospel wherever they are. The Children's Ministries Institute, a modular three-month CEF course, presented in South Africa at our own Lenteland camp grounds in Vereeniging, is dedicated to providing quality, practical training for those called of God to take the Gospel message to children.

CEF Press produces and distributes Bible and missionary lessons and related materials for use in teaching children to help accomplish the goals of the ministry. Lesson books are available free of charge to those who have been trained and are involved in CEF programmes.